Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What I got from Sex in the City Movie PART2

When I was watching Sex in the City Movie I expected 4 things:I expected Carrie to have on awesome outfits in every scene and she most certainly did.I expected Miranda to have her tough but loving attitude that makes her a great character and she did expected Charlotte to have her “quirky” traits that make her my favorite character and well, she still is number1! I expected Samantha to be her typical “sex-crazed” character she did not fail. I was grossed out at times! I did not however expect to be ministered by this the movie. But, that moment was when Charlotte said something like.(without giving too much away)”When you stop trying to get what want and let it happen it happens” The same can be said about God the moment you stop trying to figure out what His next move is and just step back a trust Him. He moves I know that’s true for me. Last year after my stroke I was at Kernan Hospital for my first wave of physical, occupational, and speech therapy. The first few days there I was understandably upset I did not want to be there I was mad that at 28 I had a stroke. Then after speaking with my family and spending time with God and letting go and trusting Him. He did several things for me He gave me a peace and joy that passed all understanding. He gave me such a positive attitude despite all the hard work, loneliness, humiliation, frustration, and negative therapist. It allowed me to bless the lives of so many and be blessed my self I was able to befriend other patients even though that are my grandparent’s age. I also believe (and this is most important one) He fine-tuned my sense of humor! I actually had fun some days it was like a sleep away camp for seniors. He gave me a big heart for seniors and I now know how they feel at times. It goes to show that you when allow God to be God He works in ways you would never believe. In James 4:7-10 it James writes of the benefits of submitting your life to God. James makes very clear guidelines in what you should do in you time of pain or confusion. It may seem hopeless at the time. But, once you do submit and humble your life and situation to God, keep far away from the devil or doubt, worry, stress, fear, anger, or trying to do it yourself once you stop all that and seek the face of God with a broken and pure heart and cleaning yourself of all negativity .Turn that pity party into a gnarly jam! God will give you the grace, mercy, love, and support you need until it’s over and His faithfulness, love and power is shown. I’m holding on to that as I go through my long and hard recovery process. I also believe God is making my time manageable with various people and things to bless me and I to them so ultimately we will witness the power of God during all this until it’s over and I’m praising Him at my gnarly jam!


Anonymous said...

I needed to read this today Manny. Thanks for your insight.

Anonymous said...

This is really touching, Mannifred. Your journey inspires me and edifies my spirit. Thank you.