Thursday, June 19, 2008

The things I have lost and the things I have gained part 1:The overview

It was about this time last year I had my stroke and I’ve lost and gained a lot these past 365-like days. I know I’ve temporally lost my independence the use of my left arm, my independence, my self confidence, my sight (at times)about 20 or so pounds it’s the stroke survivor/vegetarian diet( only I can make that joke) people may treat me "wierd" or think I'm disabled. But,it almost seems worth it with the things I know I’ve gained forever a deeper, stronger, and real relationships with Christ and with family and friends, an unreal peace, stronger faith in Him and knowing that He will heal me completely.I look at my life a year or so ago and see how much I have changed not only psychically but, spiritually emotionally, and mentally. I sometimes think and say, “I’ve lost a year of my life recovering from this stroke.” I've said that twice once to my psychical therapist, Judy and she said,"You did not lose a year you’re taking a small detour to get yourself back together” I also said it to my friend Reese and she said something very similar to Judy she said,“You haven’t lost a year,you’ve gained a new life of possibilities." Both the things they said are true and mean a lot to me. During this “detour” and some of the endless possibilities God is showing me and doing amazing things in my life. I know that God is not only restoring my health completely He is obviously restoring me spiritually emotionally, and mentally. At the time in my life when I had my stroke I’ll spare you the details and say I was at a place where God could not reach me. He didn’t give me this stroke to punish me. I believe He did it for several reasons:
1. To stop me from continuing to ruin my life
2. To show me His power, grace, mercy, love, peace, and understanding.
3. To humble me and my spirit on different levels
4. To softened my heart to the elderly (my people) and the disabled.
5. He allowed me to experience both good and bad things that will change my life and can use to minister to others.
Those five things are just the very start of what God is doing, did, and the amazing things He will do.I’ve also learned are that I can not settle where I may be physically or where I'm at with my recovery and have the faith that God willcontiue heal completely me also do the work that goes along with stroke recovery. I’m learning not to accept the negative or short-sighted things people see or say to me about or my stroke recovery. In the same way not to accept what I see in front of me and have “eyes of faith” that God will continue to do His work in me and fulfill His promises and do unorthodox things with faith and works! (Read Hebrews 11) I will have to admit this journey is not always easy. I have gone through things psychically that someone my age should not go through. I’ve experienced all sorts of rejection, loneliness, anger, doubt, humiliation, stress and heartache. But, I know as I’ve mentioned before God is not putting me through this for nothing. I believe is preparing me for something great and He will not put us through something we could not handle James 1:2-4,5:7-10. As German philosopher Nietzsche said, “What does not kill me makes me stronger”applies to my life. I may have bad days but,if I and others continue to hold on to God, His blessings, His word, and never failing promises we will see great things happen!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Gospel of Mixtapes According to Manny

I’ve been making mixtapes for myself and others and Mixtapes are important part of the music snob/hipsters culture. Mixtapes can be for friends or a secret crush they also allow you to introduce someone to new and better music. Mixtapes have gotten me through some good and bad times a good one will do that. Now when I make a mixtape modestly speaking I make a good one nix that, I make an awesome one! I’ve gotten better with each mixtape. Unfortunately I haven’t received as many good ones as I’ve given. There are a lot of rules when making a good mixtape here are the top 11:
1.It should be good. Time, thought, effort, and most importantly good music should be put into each mixtape.
2.It should if possible be on a cassette. That’s not a hard rule but, traditionally mixtapes are on cassettes for that music snob/hipster that I know it’s much easier to slap some songs from iTunes on a cd Rather than using your tape deck, cds, and records I obviously prefer cassettes. Lately I’ve had to do them on cds which is okay for now.
3.Start with a really great track something really catchy, jumpy, fast, or upbeat. You want to grab the listener’s attention and set the tone of the mixtape. This is not debatable option.
4.Keep it diverse try to have different genres if you stick to one or two genres you can loose your listener. I like to keep my mixtapes the way I like my lifestyle diverse. I try to put anything from “indie” rock, hip-hop, soul, pysch, garage, ye-ye pop, some obscure stuff, and my personal favorite French pop.
5.Don’t out obscure your listener you don’t want to scare them off. I’m guilty of this but; if that Zappa track is so awesome you got to share it then do it!
6.Don’t put something on the mixtape you know the listener will hate to be funny or cute and avoid too ironic tracks you again can loose your listener and it’s tacky. Irony and goofiness belong on birthday cards!
7.Try to keep the flow going smoothly not a bunch of fast tracks in a row a slow track clumped together. I like to have it flow like a movie soundtrack or something.
8.Neatness doesn’t count. If your using a cassette the “blurps”and”blops” makes the tape seem more heart felt in a way.
9.Return the favor and feedback are a must. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been burned on making mixtapes for someone with nothing in return
10.If you uncertain of a track don’t put it on there you’ll ruin the mixtape. This is like rule 6.
11.Make them good and have fun.These aren’t hard rules just mine so have fun!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Manny and music sittining in a tree!

If you know me you know that I LOVE music and not just anything I’m really particular about what I listen to I don’t settle for just anything I really do my homework to find some quality stuff. Some would call me a music snob or a pretentious music snob, which is not far from the truth. I just know what know what I like. So now your wondering what does Manny listen to I have a diverse taste that goes anywhere from Herbie Hancock to the Beastie Boys to the Flaming Lips and so on. But, my top 3
Picks would have to be:

1 .The Talking Heads: The unorthodox post punk art rockers from NYC make the top of my list. At the start of their career, Talking Heads were all nervous energy, detached emotion, and subdued minimalism. When they released their last album about 12 years later, the band had recorded everything from art-funk to polyrhythmic world beat explorations and simple, melodic guitar pop. Between their first album in 1977 and their last in 1988, Talking Heads became one of the most critically acclaimed bands of the '80s, while managing to earn several pop hits. While some of their music can seem too self-consciously experimental, clever, and intellectual for its own good, at their best Talking Heads represent everything good about art-school punks.
Top records:
1. Talking Heads:77 (1977)
2. Speaking in Tongues (1983)
3. Little Creatures (1985)*

2. De la Soul: De la Soul could best is described as “neo- psychedelic” hip hop. They came on the seen in the late 90’s or the “golden age” of hip-hop before tacky bling and phony gangster rap swept the suburbs. Coming from Long Island, NY these guys were miles ahead of others with their low key, clever rhymes and goofy humor made records that to this day sound like no others much like The Talking Heads Del a Soul were/are unorthodox. They did not reach too much top 40 successes in the mainstream hip-hop world. But, they still have a strong a loyal fan base that prefers the witty rhymes over the tacky ones.
Top records:
1. 3 Feet High and Rising(1989)*
2. De la Soul is Dead(1991)
3. Stakes is High(1996)

3. Thelonious Monk: The most important jazz musicians are the ones who are successful in creating their own original world of music with its own rules, logic, and surprises. Thelonious Monk, who was criticized by observers who failed to listen to his music on its own terms, suffered through a decade of neglect before he was suddenly acclaimed as a genius; his music had not changed one bit in the interim. In fact, one of the more remarkable aspects of Monk's music was that it was fully formed by 1947 and he saw no need to alter his playing or compositional style in the slightest during the next 25 years.

Top records:
1. Brilliant Corners (1956)
2. Straight no Casher (1966)
3. Underground (1967)*

These three groups have a few things in common 1. They are all awesome 2.They found success not following the crowd and not just settleing and having eyes of faith to move on to bigger things.3. They are all considered unorthodox their genre of music. I’m like that in away I just don't want to settle for the average way of living just like these three artist did not settle. I want to do unothordox things as well!* Favorite Record

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Remind me to remember

When people go on vacation the sometimes like to bring back tacky trinket or souvenir to remind of the goodtime they had. Every time they look at the tacky trinket they are reminded of that goodtime. Some people will get will get a tattoo. I sometimes watch the reality show Miami Ink it’s about a tattoo shop in you guessed it Miami and the tattoo artist that run it and the customers. Each episode customers will come in the shop wanting tattoos that remind them of something that happened in their life whether good or bad some want on to pay tribute to a loved one. Most just want one because they like the tattoo culture and the art work. I have a friend Lauren that has quite a few tattoos over her body they are all very cool and nicely done I’m not sure if any of them are there to remind her of anything but, are still nice to look at. Sometimes after an accident or surgery you are left with a scar some are hardly noticeable most you can see. my friend James had surgery on his knee after an injury that youc an see. I’m sure every time he looks at it he is reminded on how he hurt it and the pain he went through the brace he wore the surgery and then his recovery.I had open heart surgery when I was four and I have about an 8 inch scar down my chest (it’s sexy ladies) last year I had a defliberator placed in my chest to stop any further blood clots you can see it when shirtless (sexy again ladies) and feel it through my shirt. So there is about a 3 inch scar across my heart (not so sexy) In Genesis 32:22-40 it tells the story of how Jacob wrestled with God. After they wrestled God did tafew things. He a few things He left Jacob with a limp and told the Israelites do not eat the tendon attached to the socket of the hip, because the socket of Jacob's hip was touched near the tendon giving him that limp he also changed his name from Jacob to Israel. God did these things remind Jacob, Jews, and us the struggle Jacob went thorough and Jacob’s victory over those struggles with the help and power of God. Once my recovery is complete I won’t have any limps like Jacob I will be whole. But, I will still have my scars when I look at them especially my defliberator scar. I will always be reminded and thankful for the miracle of the physical recovery from my stroke and the emotional and spiritual recovery God did in my life. So what does your scar, tattoo, or limp remind you of?!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What I got from Sex in the City Movie PART2

When I was watching Sex in the City Movie I expected 4 things:I expected Carrie to have on awesome outfits in every scene and she most certainly did.I expected Miranda to have her tough but loving attitude that makes her a great character and she did expected Charlotte to have her “quirky” traits that make her my favorite character and well, she still is number1! I expected Samantha to be her typical “sex-crazed” character she did not fail. I was grossed out at times! I did not however expect to be ministered by this the movie. But, that moment was when Charlotte said something like.(without giving too much away)”When you stop trying to get what want and let it happen it happens” The same can be said about God the moment you stop trying to figure out what His next move is and just step back a trust Him. He moves I know that’s true for me. Last year after my stroke I was at Kernan Hospital for my first wave of physical, occupational, and speech therapy. The first few days there I was understandably upset I did not want to be there I was mad that at 28 I had a stroke. Then after speaking with my family and spending time with God and letting go and trusting Him. He did several things for me He gave me a peace and joy that passed all understanding. He gave me such a positive attitude despite all the hard work, loneliness, humiliation, frustration, and negative therapist. It allowed me to bless the lives of so many and be blessed my self I was able to befriend other patients even though that are my grandparent’s age. I also believe (and this is most important one) He fine-tuned my sense of humor! I actually had fun some days it was like a sleep away camp for seniors. He gave me a big heart for seniors and I now know how they feel at times. It goes to show that you when allow God to be God He works in ways you would never believe. In James 4:7-10 it James writes of the benefits of submitting your life to God. James makes very clear guidelines in what you should do in you time of pain or confusion. It may seem hopeless at the time. But, once you do submit and humble your life and situation to God, keep far away from the devil or doubt, worry, stress, fear, anger, or trying to do it yourself once you stop all that and seek the face of God with a broken and pure heart and cleaning yourself of all negativity .Turn that pity party into a gnarly jam! God will give you the grace, mercy, love, and support you need until it’s over and His faithfulness, love and power is shown. I’m holding on to that as I go through my long and hard recovery process. I also believe God is making my time manageable with various people and things to bless me and I to them so ultimately we will witness the power of God during all this until it’s over and I’m praising Him at my gnarly jam!

Monday, June 2, 2008

What got from Sex in the City Movie PART1

I went to see Sex and the City yesterday (by choice) with my friend Reese and her sister (P.S. loved it!) I did watch the show when it was on from time to time. While watching I noticed the similarities and differences between Carrie and guys like me or “hipsters” much like Carrie and the girls we obsess over shoes but, in our case it’s sneakers I have 15. I’m looking to hit 31” (one for every day of the month) each pair of sneakers or shoe must be clean, never, tacky, cheap, o r too trendy. Just like Carrie and the girls we lose it whenever they see a pair of must have pumps. We also lose it when see a fresh pair of premium sneakers. And we both are willing to spend top dollar a certain pairs of heels/sneakers we both hunt down exclusive pairs. Like the ladies we are “label whores”. They have Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Vera Wang, Betsy Johnson, bebe, Fendi, Marc Jacobs. We have Stussy, Nike, Supreme, Fred Perry Alfie, Rocksmith, Vans, Alife, Ben Sherman and Crooks and Castle. We too want massive closet space to house our goods. Instead of jewelry and such we go gaga over vinyl toys and fancy gadgets. They talk at great lengths about who did the nasty with whom and how many times where and all the sultry details or relationship mishaps. They even talk about pretentious high society and the struggles that come with it. We too have our pretentious discussions but, ours is about music. We too talk great lengths about our favorite bands past and present. We brag about the effort that we went through to getting original pressings of a Talking Heads record and get excited about who is playing a show where or who is spinning at what club or what rapper dropped the most exclusive joint. We “hipsters” do the same for films watching abstract foreign films and we flock to seedy art house theaters to see limited released film or documentaries While Carrie and the girls get all wedding crazy. The thing we both have common ground on is the desire to find love in the end.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Let's get this party started!

I had a blog about 5 years ago I mostly talked music and stuff nothing ever to serious or grammatically correct. I want to do the same thing this time but, more effort and less grammar errors. For this first one I just wanted to take it light and easy. I’ll get to seat squirming,tear jerking,and mind blowing stuff later.

Well, since I love music and people ask me for recommendations quite often and since it’s halfway through the year. I would make a list of the best albums so far this year according to me
1. Santogold-Santogold- A black chick from Brooklyn that has a nice mix of “indie pop/alternative and soul-like”. She makes a point in saying she is not R&B look for her remixes with Switch, A.C., and Spankrock.Top tracks- 1.L.E.S. Artistes, 2.Creator
2. MGMT-Oracular Spectacular- Proto-electro punk art noise rockers from Brooklyn but ultimately pop. Top tracks-1.Electric Feel, 2.Time to Pretend
3. Vampire Weekend- Vampire Weekend- These "preppie indie rockers" from NYC received a lot of positive ink for an album that has a blend of “indie rock’ and African-like vibe think late Talking Heads. Very catchy and addictive.Top tracks 1.A-Punk, 2.Mansard Roof
4. ManMan- Rabbit Habit- Philly’s noise clompers that sounds like if Tom Waits and Captain Beefheart formed a mega band of nonsensical lyrics and clommpy sounds. Top tracks1. Top Drawer, 2.Engris Bwudd
5. R.E.M.-Accleralte- Newest Album from Athens college rockers. That continues to keep their classic sound on this new album. The guys do not disappoint on this album with Stipes always clever lyric work. Top tracks 1.Supernautralsuperserious, 2.I’m gonna dj
6. Timemachine- Life is Expensive- L.A. indie hip hopers that bring us smart hip hop that has this new black and white duo of hipsters that has a highly anticipated album that does not fail. Top tracks 1.Something We're Becoming,2.The Groove That Just wont Stop.
7. Coolkids-Bake Sale-This pair of young blippsters (black hipsters like me) give us a hip-hop album that harkens back to the golden age of hip-hop with..I really like these guys they have a authenticity that Lupe Fiasco will never have . They bring this new trend of urban bmxers and skaters that I’m love with.Top tracks 1.88, 2.Gold and a Pager.

I know some of you may not be too familiar with the music listed here. But, I assure you its all quality stuff. In the future I will try to bring you post that will inform, entertain, encourage, and mostly allow you to get gnarly! Feel free to leave comments from time to time and call me out if necessary. Please fell free to tell others about my blog.

Be Rad,