Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Gospel of Mixtapes According to Manny

I’ve been making mixtapes for myself and others and Mixtapes are important part of the music snob/hipsters culture. Mixtapes can be for friends or a secret crush they also allow you to introduce someone to new and better music. Mixtapes have gotten me through some good and bad times a good one will do that. Now when I make a mixtape modestly speaking I make a good one nix that, I make an awesome one! I’ve gotten better with each mixtape. Unfortunately I haven’t received as many good ones as I’ve given. There are a lot of rules when making a good mixtape here are the top 11:
1.It should be good. Time, thought, effort, and most importantly good music should be put into each mixtape.
2.It should if possible be on a cassette. That’s not a hard rule but, traditionally mixtapes are on cassettes for that music snob/hipster that I know it’s much easier to slap some songs from iTunes on a cd Rather than using your tape deck, cds, and records I obviously prefer cassettes. Lately I’ve had to do them on cds which is okay for now.
3.Start with a really great track something really catchy, jumpy, fast, or upbeat. You want to grab the listener’s attention and set the tone of the mixtape. This is not debatable option.
4.Keep it diverse try to have different genres if you stick to one or two genres you can loose your listener. I like to keep my mixtapes the way I like my lifestyle diverse. I try to put anything from “indie” rock, hip-hop, soul, pysch, garage, ye-ye pop, some obscure stuff, and my personal favorite French pop.
5.Don’t out obscure your listener you don’t want to scare them off. I’m guilty of this but; if that Zappa track is so awesome you got to share it then do it!
6.Don’t put something on the mixtape you know the listener will hate to be funny or cute and avoid too ironic tracks you again can loose your listener and it’s tacky. Irony and goofiness belong on birthday cards!
7.Try to keep the flow going smoothly not a bunch of fast tracks in a row a slow track clumped together. I like to have it flow like a movie soundtrack or something.
8.Neatness doesn’t count. If your using a cassette the “blurps”and”blops” makes the tape seem more heart felt in a way.
9.Return the favor and feedback are a must. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been burned on making mixtapes for someone with nothing in return
10.If you uncertain of a track don’t put it on there you’ll ruin the mixtape. This is like rule 6.
11.Make them good and have fun.These aren’t hard rules just mine so have fun!

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