Monday, June 2, 2008

What got from Sex in the City Movie PART1

I went to see Sex and the City yesterday (by choice) with my friend Reese and her sister (P.S. loved it!) I did watch the show when it was on from time to time. While watching I noticed the similarities and differences between Carrie and guys like me or “hipsters” much like Carrie and the girls we obsess over shoes but, in our case it’s sneakers I have 15. I’m looking to hit 31” (one for every day of the month) each pair of sneakers or shoe must be clean, never, tacky, cheap, o r too trendy. Just like Carrie and the girls we lose it whenever they see a pair of must have pumps. We also lose it when see a fresh pair of premium sneakers. And we both are willing to spend top dollar a certain pairs of heels/sneakers we both hunt down exclusive pairs. Like the ladies we are “label whores”. They have Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Vera Wang, Betsy Johnson, bebe, Fendi, Marc Jacobs. We have Stussy, Nike, Supreme, Fred Perry Alfie, Rocksmith, Vans, Alife, Ben Sherman and Crooks and Castle. We too want massive closet space to house our goods. Instead of jewelry and such we go gaga over vinyl toys and fancy gadgets. They talk at great lengths about who did the nasty with whom and how many times where and all the sultry details or relationship mishaps. They even talk about pretentious high society and the struggles that come with it. We too have our pretentious discussions but, ours is about music. We too talk great lengths about our favorite bands past and present. We brag about the effort that we went through to getting original pressings of a Talking Heads record and get excited about who is playing a show where or who is spinning at what club or what rapper dropped the most exclusive joint. We “hipsters” do the same for films watching abstract foreign films and we flock to seedy art house theaters to see limited released film or documentaries While Carrie and the girls get all wedding crazy. The thing we both have common ground on is the desire to find love in the end.

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