Sunday, April 12, 2009

Burying your dreams

Dream Deferred
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
-Langston Hughes

I’m not much into poetry but, that poem sparked the play A Raisin in the sun (awesome) and that play gave us the show Goodtimes (even more awesome). That poem also made me think of the parable of the talents Jesus told in Matthew 25. The story goes as follows: The parable tells of a master who was leaving his home to travel, and before going gave his three servants different amounts of money (or talents). On returning from his travels, the master asked his servants for an account of the money given to them. The first servant reported that he was given five talents, and he had made five talents more. The master praised the servant as being good and faithful, gave him more responsibility because of his faithfulness, and invited the servant to be joyful together with him.
The second servant said that he had received two talents, and he had made two talents more. The master praised this servant in the same way as being good and faithful, giving him more responsibility and inviting the servant to be joyful together with him.
The last servant who had received one talent reported that knowing his master was a hard man; he buried his talent in the ground for safekeeping, and therefore returned the original amount to his master. The master called him a wicked and lazy servant, saying that he should have placed the money in the bank to generate interest. The master commanded that the one talent be taken away from that servant, and given to the servant with ten talents, because everyone that has much will be given more, and whoever that has a little, even the little that he has will be taken away. And the master ordered the servant to be thrown outside into the darkness where there is "weeping and gnashing of teeth." What I think Jesus is saying here God has given us each a talent, skill, call or dream that can be used to serve others but, ultimately serve Him. The skill, talent or dream could be acting, writing, painting, etc (you know artsy stuff) .It could also be a skill like being a handy person (I went PC with that) It could be a dream that people of all races could one day not be treated based on the color of their skin but, be treated as equals (that day is slowly approaching!)It could be a call to help people in need all over the world but, if we sit back get selfish or lazy and “bury” or defer those things not only do we suffer but, others suffer. I love all the analogies Hughes uses for an unused dream, talent or skill. I look at it as this what if Dr. King gave up his dream and decided to just let racism have it’s way we would have had the Civil Rights movement and all the good that came from that? What if the Wright bothers decided to just sit back and do other stuff? What if Milton Hersey gave up? No Milk Duds or Rolos! This can be applied to any great entertainer, athlete or political activist helped inspire society in a positive way. You may have the dream, talent, call, or skill and could be “burying” it and letting do all those things Hughes mentions well its wrong and kinda selfish and lazy. We can make excuses why we don’t act on them but, it’s not worth it. You may feel unqualified or unprepared at times. But, if God put that in you He will make everything possible to see that it’s done. So urge you check to see if you have anything you may be “burying” I know there are things let “bury” but, I want to dig them up and use it the best way I can!


Anonymous said...

Hey Manny,

Thanks for the stimulating blog. I am a fan of encouraging people to breath life into their dreams. My conviction is that God has placed a dream in the heart of every person. However only a few push past the obstacles to pursue their dream.

You blog reminded me of a poem my son Adam wrote when he was about 12 called "If Only"

If I only had this,
Then I could do that.
If I only did this,
I could have sat where kings sat.
If Only, If Only,
Then maybe I could
If Only, If Only
Then maybe I would
If I had this talent,
If I had this gift
But, you don't use what you do have,
All you do is say,

Thanks for sharing keep on writing and keep on dreaming!


John Coleman
aka. PJ

Jacqui H. said...

Hmmm...that's a lot for me to think about on a Monday morning. Some days I feel that my gift (ot one of them anyway) is to be able to smile at my kids, and mean it, after they have just thrown a temper tantrum. Or to be happy in a moment where I could feel like surrendering to the urge to scream. And other days I wonder what else is out there past the fence in my yard. Does it count as a dream to help teach and grow my kids dreams? And to give them a great example of parent's love for each other and our kids? Thanks for the great thought and inspiration in your blog today! I will ponder it between dishes and laundry :) Hugs - Jacqui

Gina said...

AMEN!!!!!!!! AND AMEN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that you haven't let a life's adversity keep your gift buried. Keep on communicated those thought God is giving you. You are one of the most talented and gifted younger men I know. I love to see you persevering and speaking the thoughts that God is birthing in you.

Anonymous said...

All so true... except that Good Times was more awesome than A Raisin in the Sun. Still, life sometimes seems to be handing us all a shovel to help us bury our talents, but God's desire for us to use our talents will always trump life. Beautiful reminder, my friend.