Thursday, July 31, 2008

You Pretentious Jerk!

I saw Dark Knight not too long ago. This is not a post on how much I loved it or what I learned from it or anything deep like that, because I hated that movie (I almost walked out). I’m not going to list why I hated so much because I don’t want to give away anything (your welcome). And if I learned anything I learned that I’m not into "over-hyped" movies that are driven by action rather than a good story with good performances. The Dark Knight lacked one of those and it was not Heather Ledger because he was great or whatever. With my dislike of the movie that everyone and their mother is going bonkers over made me think," Have I become so pretentious or that I can’t enjoy that movie or any movie like that? Or can I really enjoy anything in everyday life or pop culture for that matter"? Maybe it's just I'm really particular about what I like and how I live.I have been pondering that for sometime now. So I decided to list the top 15 things that would make me seem so pretentious that I can’t enjoy everyday stuff. Maybe the list will show that I’m just really particular or just pretentious.
1.French New Wave films are my favorite type of films.
2.I refuse to listen to the radio that’s not jazz, classical, or NPR.
3.I’m a picky vegetarian and apretty much a picky eater.
4.I really don't conversing with most people about music or films. (I think thatjust makes me kinda of jerk)
5.I refer to movies as films.
6.I prefer shopping at boutiques than the mall.(Don't get me wrong I still shop at and love the mall)
7.I’m one of those people who enjoy the original rather than the remake.
8.Fashion and looking good is just that important to me. (That makes me kind of gay)
9.I hate irony on any level.
10.I won’t buy clothing at Target that is not underwear or lounge/workout clothing.
11.I tend to listen to or watch moslty obscure and avant-garde films, music and comedy groups.
12.I love theater but,not musicals so much.
13.I think Charlie Rose is cool.(This makes me a dork)
14.I normally dislike things based on it's level of trendiness or if it's overrated.
15.I blog and make lists on this blog.
Now, you have all the info you you need. So is Manny an eye rolling prententious jerk (Oh, Lord I hope not) or is Manny a handsome particular guy?


Anonymous said...

I think you are all three pretentious, particular and handsome of course! I do however think your pretentious is a good way if there is such a thing:)

Anonymous said...

Dana again:
I agree, Manfred, with your list, and as a Virgo, I love lists so keep them coming. Anyways, I surely agree with #2 but would like to also shout out Target for T-shirts...don't knock it till you try it...the fit is pretty good for ten bucks.